Complaint Form

Make a complaint online

Online complaint form

At NatWest International we do everything we can to make sure our customers get the best possible service. However sometimes, we don't get things right.

When that happens, we always encourage you to tell us, so that we can put matters right.

Your location:

This form is for customers with accounts held in Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man or Gibraltar.

If your account is held with NatWest in the UK, please visit natwest.com/howtocomplain to find out more about making a complaint.

Your details:

Your complaint:

Contacting you about your complaint:

Once you've submitted the form, we'll contact you within 5 business days.

Thank you for completing the form

Your complaint has been submitted and you will be contacted by a complaint handler within 5 business days.

Please note that submissions received after 5pm (UK time) on business days or at any time on non-business days will be treated as received the following business day.