Get notified when you spend, send or receive money

Transaction notifications

What are transaction notifications?

Notifications are a great way to keep on top of your spending. You'll know when you received money and can help spot anything suspicious on your account.

You’ll get notified when you send or receive money and when you spend on your debit or credit card.

You may also receive notifications for an account for which you have authority. For example, you may have authority as a parent over your child’s account.

How to switch notifications on or off

To switch notifications on/off just follow these simple steps:

  1. Log in to the mobile app
  2. Selecting the profile icon at the top left corner of your app
  3. Tap on ‘Settings’
  4. Choose on ‘Notification Settings’
  5. Tap on ‘General Notifications’
  6. Switch the 'Money in and out' toggle on or off

Common questions